So the cunning plan has to get some cunning adjustments - obviously involving more outlay (nothing comes free) so I can drive back and forth from my little adventure to keep these appointments and perhaps leave the van behind in a safe caravan park. We’ll see.
The canopy
Today is the day to get the toolbox/canopy fitted to the ute. Firm instructions to get to the factory by 8:30am. So I left at 6:30 to travel 101km. How difficult could that be?
Being a cheapskate, of course I decided to avoid any toll roads, so turned left at the Northern Ring Road and headed towards Greensborough at the end of the Ring Road (a wonderful contradiction, like the end of the rainbow - are we in Kansas, yet?).
It took three traffic light cycles to get off the end of the Ring Road (I’m guessing around 40 min after I started), then another hour twenty to travel the last 32km down Rosanna Road and Burke Road.
So I arrived at 8:50am. Twenty minutes late. They didn’t seem to mind.
And now I’m waiting in the customer waiting room. A movable room nearly as old as I am. Cleverly post-industrial featuring authentic souvenir grime from each of its many years. With metal framed canteen table, plastic stackable chairs, security mesh on the windows, fake plastic veneer walls, and tastefully patinated industrial vinyl tiles on the floor. Beautifully illuminated by two fluorescent tubes unencumbered by any covers that might impinge upon the industrial brilliance.
However - far be it from me to complain. At least it's a waiting room, and I don't have to sit in the dust and dirt that might be the alternative. Lick road clean wit'tongue, and all that. And the canopy is far from overpriced. Quite economical, actually. So I'm happy and out of the elements and writing the blog. As they say on Qo'noS, "Hoch QaQ". All is good.
The nice lady brought me a bottle of water, and I watched my canopy being unloaded from the delivery truck (I suspect they had forgotten to deliver and it had been sitting at the factory). A couple of minor glitches to do with the way they secure the canopy to the tray - the rear canopy hooks would require the rear tray-side hinges to be removed, which I don't want - I asked for a removable canopy so I can use the ute with tray-sides while not traveling. But I had asked for extra bolts to secure the canopy to the tray so that should be ok.
I was just about to head over to the office to find out what was going on, when the nice lady popped her head around the door and said the ute was ready. So off we went to have a look and pay the balance.
Then the 90 minute drive home - a bit easier off-peak. As I was hoping, the rear suspension is a lot smoother, not jiggling over bumps. With extra weight of the caravan the rear ride should be quite smooth. The flip side of course is that there could be too much weight, requiring a suspension and GVM upgrade. We'll see.
SO here's the canopy, with enough space at the back for me to attach spare wheel holders (need to figure that one out first).
That photo's from when I took delivery. The tray-sides detach and once I start travelling I will leave them behind.
Also the auto-electrician called to say he was installing the inverter in the van, so hopefully that will be finished tomorrow, in time for me to do some lawn mowing this week, then take off for the first Ag show.
Be seeing you ...

The nice lady brought me a bottle of water, and I watched my canopy being unloaded from the delivery truck (I suspect they had forgotten to deliver and it had been sitting at the factory). A couple of minor glitches to do with the way they secure the canopy to the tray - the rear canopy hooks would require the rear tray-side hinges to be removed, which I don't want - I asked for a removable canopy so I can use the ute with tray-sides while not traveling. But I had asked for extra bolts to secure the canopy to the tray so that should be ok.
I was just about to head over to the office to find out what was going on, when the nice lady popped her head around the door and said the ute was ready. So off we went to have a look and pay the balance.
Then the 90 minute drive home - a bit easier off-peak. As I was hoping, the rear suspension is a lot smoother, not jiggling over bumps. With extra weight of the caravan the rear ride should be quite smooth. The flip side of course is that there could be too much weight, requiring a suspension and GVM upgrade. We'll see.
SO here's the canopy, with enough space at the back for me to attach spare wheel holders (need to figure that one out first).
That photo's from when I took delivery. The tray-sides detach and once I start travelling I will leave them behind.
Also the auto-electrician called to say he was installing the inverter in the van, so hopefully that will be finished tomorrow, in time for me to do some lawn mowing this week, then take off for the first Ag show.
Be seeing you ...